Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Myrrdin and Dumnonni

all rights belong to Movie Works accessed 26/8/14 from http://www.movieworks.org.uk/shop/products/view/26

So Dumnonni's pictures and videos from over the years are starting to permeate the Internet, the quality of costume and the setting being so perfectly dark ages they were bound to get some attention. A group of film-makers based in Sheffield and supported by Movie Works saw them and jumped at the chance to use "ready made" battle scenes. They approached the ref team and asked if they would like to be in their film. The group then went to "fight choreography" planning sessions before playing the role of the warring armies in the film, both Celtic and Saxon. Here is a link to the concept art teaser.

Myrrdin movie

The film will be released in a similar way to "The Hunt for Gollum" as a view-on-demand offer. You can watch it on mobile devices too and will be around 90 minutes long. You can support the production by buying concept art posters and props or donating on this same page. I for one am looking forward to seeing my friends on film on the battlefield!

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