Tuesday, 26 August 2014

and filming LRP (lost for ever due to being a dufus)

I accidentally deleted the damn post....So if you saw it, you are amongst the special few! This picture shows my thinking face \/

Feel free to talk about how awesome it was while I whistle and tinker a bit in the background!


  1. The uniqueness of LARP is that it is a perspective based story engine. The experience can change dramatically depending on where you are when any given event unfolds: Difficult to portray on film methinks. Mockumentary? Perhaps? If we make it... will they come?

  2. I was bringing another LRP documentary - I thought this one was pretty sympathetic, without ignoring the fact that it is basically a bit bonkers (and that's ok!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ6exaC5ryE
