Thursday, 2 October 2014

Does LRP need rules to work?

With thanks to Larpers Bazaar for the great blog post which got me thinking!

When I first started live roleplay , at the Keep there were a hella lotta RULES for everything, you had points to spend on skills, very limited at first and these written onto your character sheet; after every fight a man (invariably) would write things down on a clipboard and tell you whether to fall over or not. Now as all of this was new to me and I saw it as an extension of tabletop roleplay it made sense at the time. I imagine in much the same way that it felt perfectly reasonable that the first cars needed a man in front with a flag to prevent all hell breaking loose and our brains bleeding at astonishing speeds of 30 miles an hour plus.

But as time has moved on we learn new things, experiment, gain confidence and make the hobby better. Thankfully no-one battleboards any more (or do they?!) but we still have rules, and some events have waaay more than others. Some in fact have rules which have no actual bearing on whether it makes sense in character, or have any impact in game. Some rules are for skills you not only have no chance of doing "live" but you have no chance of effectively roleplaying either.

We have hits and armour points to give people an indication of how to react in a fight...why?

We have skill points to show what you can do...why?
art by Myke Slater

Ok so I am being contrary there, but honestly what is roleplaying about for you? If it is about winning and being the best - even amongst other players then it's competitive...oh yeah you need rules and lots of them.

But if it's about entertainment, being part of a spectacle, acting a part and in turn adding to the enjoyment of the event for others by you playing that role...why do you need rules that make it a board, wargame or tabletop rp game?

As you may have gathered I don't like rules.

Larpers Bazaar blog


  1. rule one - why don't you just act dahling? rule two. did you read our health and safety document before you hit him with that blatantly un-pulled blow? oh he's your mate? carry on then...

  2. Crimson has been running with no rules for quite some time in its various guises. It works because the players are trusted to keep things realistic and the rule is that story and enjoyment is more important than rules.

    Rules consists of... Been hit by a sword? Then imagine you've been hit by a sword.
    Character consists of... You are a scientist? Then you can do science stuff.

  3. My upcoming LRP system L33T NINJZORS: WAY OF THE ARSEKICK has teh following character skillz:

    Sord fightin
    Throw Shirukinses
    Wear Clothes
    Hide in Daylight
    Climb Stairs
    Pick Nose
    Colour Vision

  4. Larp needs rules, just not the kind of rules we commonly have. Rules that create scarcity/competitive economies, rules that encourage interaction. Rules that shape the game experience, but don't require you to think about the details while you are trying to roleplay.
